Fly Fishing Techniques
Nature Center 4006 Pioneer Village Road, Waynesville, Ohio• Learn the basics of fly fishing • Equipment and Instruction provided. • Equipment is limited • Wear a hat and sunglasses
• Learn the basics of fly fishing • Equipment and Instruction provided. • Equipment is limited • Wear a hat and sunglasses
Equipment and instruction provided. Free. Must be on-site before 1pm to register and participate. Fun for the whole family.
Join the Naturalist to learn about owls that live in the park. Understand why they are important and how you can help.
• Join the Naturalist for a slow-pace, one-mile guided walk. • Learn about native Ohio birds and why they are important.
Learn how the wind can be harnessed as a source of energy.
Make your own pinwheel. Test different designs to see which can harness the most energy.
• Being outside is good for your overall health and wellness. In fact, environmental wellness is recognized as one of the eight dimensions of your health. Join us for a gentle float with OSU Extension and the Park Naturalist as we talk about wellness, the impact nature can have on our health, and how to […]
Join us as we take an up-close look at our Wildlife Ambassadors. Meet Stryker the Red-tailed hawk and Scout the Screech owl. Learn about our bird conservation efforts and ways you can help from home.
Learn about pollinators and other important insects you may see around the park. Learn about the native plants they pollinate and how you can help.
Get creative! Deepen your connection with nature by creating art using natural and sustainable material. Learn how to wood burn a piece you are proud of in 5 minutes Bring your own woodburning supplies or borrow one of ours. Our supplies are limited to 5 people.. Relax while getting in tune with the sounds of […]
• Join the Naturalist for a moderate 3 mile guided hike. See Pioneer Village, Horseshoes Falls and the Swinging Bridge. Discover wildlife along the way. • Dress for the weather. Wear sturdy shoes. Trails can be muddy.
Equipment and instruction provided. Free. Must be on-site before 1pm to register and participate. Fun for the whole family.