Stand-Up Paddle Board in the Campground

Caesar Creek Campground Boat Ramp 9000 Center Road, Wilmington, OH, United States

Learn the basics of stand-up paddle boarding. Meet at the SUP Hut near the Campground Boat Ramp. Wear water shoes (not flip-flops) and clothes that can get wet. Length of excursions will vary. Equipment and instruction will be provided. Equipment is limited. First come, first serve. Weather dependent. Free.

Nature Center Open House

Nature Center 4006 Pioneer Village Road, Waynesville, Ohio

Join us anytime between noon and 4pm for guided wildlife tours around the Nature Center. Meet our resident live wildlife ambassadors up close. Learn about the park, our hiking trails, campgrounds and much more!

Meteor Shower Campout

Caesar Creek Beach

Watch the peak of the Perseid Meteor Shower with us on the beach.  Enjoy star-gazing, family games, a bonfire, and more! Fun for the whole family. Meet partner astronomy organizations, such as the Warren County Astronomical Society, The Miami Vally Astronomical Society and the Wright State Astronomical Collaboration. Food and drinks will be available through […]

Nature Center Open House

Nature Center 4006 Pioneer Village Road, Waynesville, Ohio

Join us anytime between noon and 4pm for guided wildlife tours around the Nature Center. Meet our resident live wildlife ambassadors up close. Learn about the park, our hiking trails, campgrounds and much more!


Nature Center 4006 Pioneer Village Road, Waynesville, Ohio

(Session 1) Equipment and instruction provided. Free. Must be on-site before 1pm to register and participate. Fun for the whole family. Meet at the Nature Center


Nature Center 4006 Pioneer Village Road, Waynesville, Ohio

(Session 2) Equipment and instruction provided. Free. Must be on-site before 1pm to register and participate. Fun for the whole family. Meet at the Nature Center

Birding 101

Caesar Creek Campground 9000 Center Road, Wilmington, Ohio

Why is birding important and fun? Learn ways to become a better birder. Bring your birding gear stories and questions to share with others. Meet the naturalist at the campground shelter house.

Kayak / Canoe Wildlife Excursion in the Campground

Caesar Creek Campground Boat Ramp 9000 Center Road, Wilmington, OH, United States

Learn the basics of canoeing and kayaking. Meet at the Yak Shack near the Campground Boat Ramp. Wear water shoes (not flip-flops) and clothes that can get wet. Length of excursions will vary. Equipment and instruction will be provided. Equipment is limited. First come, first serve. Weather dependent. Free.

Stand-Up Paddle Board in the Campground

Caesar Creek Campground Boat Ramp 9000 Center Road, Wilmington, OH, United States

Learn the basics of stand-up paddle boarding. Meet at the SUP Hut near the Campground Boat Ramp. Wear water shoes (not flip-flops) and clothes that can get wet. Length of excursions will vary. Equipment and instruction will be provided. Equipment is limited. First come, first serve. Weather dependent. Free.

Sensory Saturday in the Campground

Caesar Creek Campground 9000 Center Road, Wilmington, Ohio

This program is designed for people of all ages and abilities. Learn how animals use their senses to navigate the wild. Meet at the Campground Shelter House.

Caesar Creek State Park History, Wildlife and Recreation

Caesar Creek Campground 9000 Center Road, Wilmington, Ohio

Meet the naturalist to learn about the park. Get wildlife identification booklets, maps, fishing info and more as we discuss park history and recreation opportunities at Caesar Creek. Ask us questions and tell us your stories. Meet at the campground shelter house.

Archery – Two Sessions

Nature Center 4006 Pioneer Village Road, Waynesville, Ohio

Must be on-site before 2pm to register and participate. Equipment and instruction provided. Fun for the whole family.